About Us

About UsWe are a group of professional social workers drawn from diverse field of expertise, organized for making a sustainable difference among less privileged by empowering them to make and contribute for change.

Currently, we working among fatherless orphans, through Orphan Support Program (OSP), a very large concentrated pocket in Hubbali – Dharwad region of Karnataka states. Our model of intervention is integrated and comprehensive, designed to access, and empower these most vulnerable families’ through enterprise solutions at BoP – micro entrepreneurship development (MED). The four community piloted models have shown high impact in household and community lives of orphan families. We endeavor to scale and expand to other communities; we would like request your partnership in building and scaling these high impact models. We believe these our initiative do uphold aspirations in building sustainable communities, specifically with most disadvantaged and vulnerable communities.


Who We Are

The Hubbali – Dharward district is one of the district in Karnataka State, which accounts for highest number of fatherless orphan children (especially girl children) owing to various socio-economic and demographic reasons. Such context requires our immediate attention, especially for girl children. Moved by such challenge, we (few professional social workers) have come together to address this issue with a sustainable solution. In our experience we found most the NGO efforts done in traditional support form has not yielded any results, rather made them dependent and much more vulnerable. At JJF we have begun to work in four villages with 15 families and found our approach for this issue is most appropriate and sustainable. At this juncture, we would like to seek your partnership in addressing this challenge in a most innovative and on a sustainable basis.


Our targeted intervention along with basic service components includes;
  • Community based integration – through active involvement of community institutions/CBO.
  • Household level kitchen garden to make access for nutrition
  • Building skills and competencies on community-based needs/demands with market solutions for micro enterprise development
  • Micro enterprise development through Community Mentoring Volunteers (CMV’s)
  • Enabling Environment through counselling and psychosocial support for active community and family participation
  • Building linkages and access networking

Jehovah Jireh Foundation (JJF) is an affiliate of Mainstay Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Registered under society under Telangana Societies Registration Act 2001.
