Support Us

We seek your innovative ideas, participation, and support in the program from your organization at an ongoing basis. Following are the ways through which your organization can made difference the live of vulnerable children of our neighborhood

Volunteer With Us

Your opportunity to make difference.

  • Sign up as volunteer to support program – Counselling and behavior change
  • Access to alternative livelihoods – micro enterprise education and promotion
  • Promotion of kitchen gardens at identified families
  • Sponsoring a child thorough yearly support for education and health
  • Building institutional linkages to sustain interventions

There is a dire need for our intervention to mainstream these children with equal opportunities to grow and develop. Your partnership in this program can build and scale innovative community based micro- enterprise model for orphan child families. In the short-run your support can sustain and accelerate these orphan families. We therefore seek your kind response to partnering with us towards making a lasting change.

Get Involved


Sponsor a child

This is an opportunity to take entire care of the specific child by meeting his/her needs till he/she could complete basic education and take on gainful livelihoods or higher education. This is a long-term commitment. In this, the sponsorer will engage with the child and understands the needs and support as required.

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Support a child

This is an opportunity to support a child for a month/three months or yearly by covering food and educational expenses approx. INR 2000 per month.

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Be a parent

This is an opportunity to support a child by giving parental care, meeting emotional caregiving and visiting child to see how he/she is paring. It is a continues engagement with specific child a bond that lasts for life. This parent will decide what kind of support is required and how child should be engaged.

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