Guidelines For OCSP

Guidelines For Implemting Orphen Children Support Prgram (ocsp)
who we are

We at JJF will always strive to keep up to live for the values of the organization. Our values at work are integrity, inclusivity, participation, dignity, and sustainability. JJF will not discriminate any person based on gender, caste, creed, religion, or region. Through this, we demonstrate our values in our work, we build a culture which respects peoples and builds hope in them and ensures dignity. JJF is here to share love and care for the most vulnerable, downtrodden, neglected and individuals and families suffering from discrimination and being exploited

The orphan children support program is well designed, integrated intervention making child feel we are at every part of their life. We care and share our love for them. We at JJF do not feel proud of what we are doing, but we are humbled to have this opportunity to serve most precious gifts of God.

  • Sponsor a Child: This is an opportunity to take entire care of the specific child by meeting his/her needs till he/she could complete basic education and take on gainful livelihoods or higher Education. This is a long-term commitment. In this Sponsor a child, the sponsorer will engage with the child and understands the needs and support as required.
  • Support a Child : This is an opportunity to support a child for a month/three months or yearly by covering food and educational expenses approx. INR 2000 per month.
  • Be a Parent : This is an opportunity to support a child by giving parental care, meeting emotional caregiving and visiting child to see how he/she is paring. It is a continues engagement with specific child a bond that lasts for life. This parent will decide what kind of support is required and how child should be engaged.
  • Ideally, program should focus rural SC and ST and less privileged members of the community. Only few exceptional cases of support will be given for urban areas. The girl children from vulnerable communities/ households such as “Devadasi” “Yanadi” should be given preference. Further, girl children who are subject to exploitation in the name of tradition and customs should be given preference.
  • The orphan eligible child is father is not alive, or both mother and father are not alive, parent deceased out of HIV/AIDS will be given preference.
  • The family should be poorest of poor, vulnerable and urgently needs external support is the eligible under this program.
  • Program should be around 10-15 km in radius from Hubli. The program will be operated and managed from Hubli. A separate office space will be hired for such operations. PD should ensure JJF items and equipment’s, documents are safe and secure all the time.
  • Only children under the age of 14 will be enrolled. This is girl child centered program focuses on girl child specific needs and her growth requirements. On completion of 14 years of the child, institutional linkages or sponsorship support should be made as alternative care. Some exceptional cases on recommendation of PD can be retained under program.

Building community participation

JJF will integrate program as community based initiative, seeks active participation of community based organizations (CBO’s) and civil society in building ownership and sustainability. Program Director (PD) will visit the community and houses of the potential orphan children as part of selections. PD will consult and engage ICDS (anganwadi) ASHA health workers, local PHC ANM, NGO’s and other Mahila mandali /SHG women group members.


Selection Process

  • Community will be consulted on selection process, takes community traditional and political leadership into consideration. (however, JJF will not come under pressure or influence or compromise)
  • A structured tool will be administered to in selection process, and process of section should be based on score/weightage and documented in transparent manner
  • Each identified orphan will fill the application and required documents will be collected and filed, on approval child will be assigned with a code.
  • Video / photo documentation and a baseline document will be prepared to compare changes that orphan child has made periodically.


PD shall ensure, each child is visit on monthly basis, all children should be monitored, and a template will be filled-in to document the visit/changes observed. The template should consist of Kitchen garden project, Income generating project and counselling inputs, process and outputs and outcomes. A monthly activity /action plan will be submitted for every month. And a quarterly report will be submitted for all enrolled children against each of the project intervention. This includes case studies – narration, pictures, and video evidence for the program.

Counselling Sessions

Further, each child will be given one-on-one counselling and a separate session of counselling will be conducted along with family members on a monthly basis (same will be documented in a template designed to capture process and key discussion points).

Kitchen Garden Program

Each beneficiary family will have adequate training on benefits of kitchen garden program. The objective of this program is to ensure access to green leafy vegetables (GLV) to improve health of child and household nutrition. This should bring down food costs and improve access and balanced diet for children. Each family will be given vegetable seeds (creeper, bushy and plants) fruit bearing plants are must. Family should ensure fencing to the garden, and garden should be linked with their washing/bathing water source. Kitchen waste should be used as manure. The PD shall ensure, survival of the garden, and making best use of it. The training program also consists of how to eliminate pest and fertilizers in natural/bio methods without use of chemicals.

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Income Generation Program

Each of the eligible orphan child family/care takers will be given income generating asset, which should be economically viable, feasible and community centered. E.g., poultry birds, goat rearing, small livelihood – micro enterprise inputs. The 20% of the contribution should be made by the household or community towards this project. Only 80% of the funds will be given from JJF. This activity will be monitored on monthly basis, ensure separate template is developed to capture results and performance of income generating assets. The asset cannot be sold or closed or given to someone else. This is the property of JJF. Only proceedings out of the asset will be sold or additional income and hired for making gains.

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Administration of the Program

Program Director is sole responsible authority in execution and monitoring and reporting of the program.

  • Program Director is eligible for keeping petty cash of INR 5000.00 for meeting program expenses, this includes travel, food and other incidentals and office maintenance. PD should submit expenses statement along with original bills and vouchers to Head Office – Hyderabad accounts department. On accounting, head office will reimburse the expenses into JJF account. On the 30th of March every year petty cash should be closed, resumes on 1st of April every year.
  • Program Director shall ensure and make efforts to raise sponsors, donors, and institutional linkages to sustain program. PD shall make proposals, presentation to potential donors/organizations and industries to seek funding.
  • PD shall prepare annual action plans and seeks approval, and based on the annual action plans a monthly action plans are prepared and executed and monitored
  • PD will update website with latest news, happenings, and case stories and media coverage shall be updated periodically.